Wednesday, 24 December 2014


Excess mucus production makes snoring worse than it really is.


If you snore than you should avoid eating the following foods (known to increase the intensity of snoring) late in the evening: 
fried foods, heavy floury foods, excessive alcohol, processed foods and dairy products.

By avoiding these foods you will be able not to snore anymore or at least lower the snoring volume. This will be achieved due to the fact that by not eating the above mentioned food mucus will not block your airways because they will be less constricted.

 As nasal congestion is cleared your snoring will be more and more decreased and maybe gone.


Here is the recipe for the juice that will make you snore-free.
  • 1″ piece of ginger
  • 1/4 of a lemon
  • 2 carrots (home-grown)
  • 2 organic apples (home-grown if possible)
Juice all of the above ingredients and enjoy a good night sleep.

Thursday, 4 December 2014


Zu San Li – A point of a Hundred Diseases on your Body.

Here is what will happen if you massage it!

One Japanese legend says that, once upon a time there lived a happy man who received priceless knowledge from his father – the knowledge of the longevity point or a point of a hundred diseases.
Following the advice of his father, the son massaged this point every day and he lived to see the birth and death of several emperors.

The massaging of some points is one of the oldest methods of treatment in the East, which has been used for thousands of years.
Overall, the human body has 365 points and 12 main meridians, which is the same as the number of the days and months in one year.

The effects of these massages (acupressure, finger pressure to certain points), is based on the theory of the meridians and channels that are connected to certain organs.

In Chinese medicine, the body is seen as an energy system, and therefore, the massage can affect the flow of energy and the functional activity of the organs.

The activation of the Zu San Li point causes a permanent rejuvenating and healing effect, delaying of the aging.
In China, this point is known as – “the point of longevity”
In Japan – “the point of a hundred diseases”.

Where is the magic point (Zu San Li) in our body?

The point of longevity is located below the kneecap. In order to find it, you should cover your knee with the palm of the same hand. The point is located between the ends of the little finger and ring finger, in the form of a small dent between the bones.

You can find in another way as well.

You have to sit on the floor, firmly press your feet to the floor and pull them towards you, do not raise your heels from the floor.
You will notice that below the knee there is a higher area. Find the highest point, put your finger on it and take a starting position.

The point at which you pressed your finger is the point – Zu San Li.

What is this point in our body responsible for and why do the Japanese call it – A point of a hundred diseases?

– It controls the work of the organs that are located in the lower half of the body
– It controls the work of the spinal cord in the parts that are responsible for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, digestion tract, genital organs, kidneys, adrenal glands.

By massaging the Zu San Li point you can increase the activity of the adrenal glands, the most powerful glands that act as the main defender of human health.

They excrete adrenaline, hydrocortisone and other important hormones into the blood.

If you massage “the point of longevity” every day, you can normalize the work of the adrenal glands, which perform the following functions in the organism:
– Normalization of the blood pressure
– Normalization of the glucose, the insulin
– Elimination of the inflammatory processes in the organism
– Regulation of the immune system
Also, by massaging the Zu San Li point, you can:
– Improve digestion
– Heal diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
– Treat the effects of a stroke

The massaging of this point will help you to increase your confidence, eliminate the stress and tension and find inner harmony.

By massaging this point, you can cure many diseases, including hiccups, constipation, gastritis, incontinence.

How can you affect the “point of longevity”?

It is better to massage the Zu San Li point in the morning, before lunch, 9 times in a circular motion in a clockwise direction on each leg (9 times on one and nine times on the other leg). You should do this for 10 minutes.

Before the beginning of the massage you should take a comfortable, relaxed position (sitting). Calm the breathing and concentrate yourselves on your feelings. Place yourselves in a state of harmony and understanding that you are beginning the healing process. This massage has a stimulating effect.

You can massage the point with your fingers or with any grain (buckwheat, oats, rice, etc …).

Also, you can stick to this point a half of a garlic clove and leave it on for 1-2 hours (until the skin turns red).
The massaging of the Zu San Li point in the evening is suitable for weight loss – they say, 400 to 500 grams per week.

But do not massage it directly before bedtime, because you can cause insomnia.

You can massage the Zu San Li point every day, but the best effect is achieved during the New Moon.

– Eight days after the start of the New Moon, be sure to massage this point in the morning, alternately on each leg in the clockwise direction. This is the best time for a massage in order to strengthen the immunity, improve the work of all organs and slow the aging process.
– Before lunch, alternately on each leg, in the clockwise direction, in order to improve the overall tone, the memory, the work of the cardiovascular system and the digestive system.
– After lunch, simultaneously on both legs – against stress, nervousness and irritability, against headaches and sleep disorders.

In the evening, massage it in the counterclockwise direction, alternately on each leg, in order to improve the metabolism and help the weight loss.

Try it!


Wednesday, 19 November 2014


Your thyroid gland plays a very important role in your body. It is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck, just above your collarbone. It is one of your endocrine glands, which make hormones that control many activities in your body. 
There are a number of possible thyroid diseases and disorders, and the two of the most common thyroid disorders are..

1. Hyperthyroidism (when your thyroid gland makes more thyroid hormones than your body needs) and 
2. Hypothyroidism (when your thyroid gland doesn’t make enough thyroid hormones). 
3.Goiter (enlargement of the thyroid gland)

4. Thyroid cancer

5. Thyroid nodules (lumps in the thyroid gland)

6. Thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland).

1. Fatigue and sleep disorders
Hypothyroidism – Fatigue is the number one symptom in hypo. You feel that you want to sleep all the time, or you sleep more than usual but still feel tired and exhausted with no energy. if you suffer from Hypothyroidism please read my other post about: 8 Natural Remedies To Treat Hypothyroidism.

Hyperthyroidism – some people with hyperthyroidism find it hard to fall asleep, and therefore they feel tired or exhausted. This is because overactive thyroid can cause insomnia due to rapid pulse and anxiety which can make it hard to fall asleep or even wake you in the middle of the night.

2. Weight changes
Hypothyroidism – You have a weight gain or you find it very difficult to lose weight. This is one of the top symptoms in hypo. I have already written a few articles that will help you to lose weight by increasing your metabolism and by eating these foods.

Hyperthyroidism – You may be losing weight although you eat the same amount of food as usual, or even losing weight while eating more than normal due to increased appetite.

3. Mood and mental changes

Hypothyroidism – You feel unusually depressed, sad and feeling down. This is because too little thyroid hormone affects the levels of serotonin in the brain. You may also find that your mind is not sharp and that you have poor concentration or poor memory or general brain fog.

Hyperthyroidism – hyperthyroidism is more associated with anxiety or panic attacks, or you feel that you cannot relax. Also too much thyroid hormone can cause difficulty concentrating.

4. Bowel problems

Hypothyroidism – you have severe or long-term constipation. This is one of the top most common symptoms and is due to the changes in hormone level production that can cause a slowdown of digestive processes.

Hyperthyroidism – you have diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome 

5. Muscle or joint problems

Hypothyroidism – you feel a sudden numbness, tingling or pain in your limbs. This is because producing too little thyroid hormone can affect the signals sent from the brain and spinal cord throughout the body. You may also feel general muscular or joint stiffness, pain or weakness, or have tendonitis in the arms and legs.

Hyperthyroidism – can also cause a variety of muscle or joint problems, such as difficulties in holding objects with hands, or reaching arms above the head or climbing stairs.

6. Irregular periods, fertility and libido problems

Hypothyroidism – your periods are heavier, longer, more frequent and more painful. You may also suffer from infertility, low sex drive and hormone imbalances such as PMS.

Hyperthyroidism – you have shorter, lighter or infrequent periods. You may also suffer from infertility (both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can interfere with ovulation, which impairs fertility).

7. Hair and skin changes

Hypothyroidism – your hair becomes dry and brittle and falls out easily. This is because too little thyroid hormone disturbs hair growth cycle. You may also have an unusual hair loss in the outer edge of the eyebrow or other body parts. Your skin might be dry due to slowed metabolism and your nails are brittle.

Hyperthyroidism – can also cause hair loss typically just on your head and thin and fragile skin.

8. Body temperature

Hypothyroidism – your hands and feet are cold, or you feel cold and have chills, or your body temperature is consistently below 98.5 F (37 C).

Hyperthyroidism – you sometimes feel too warm or sweat excessively.

9. Cholesterol Issues

Hypothyroidism – you have high cholesterol levels, especially when it’s not responsive to diet, exercise or medication.

Hyperthyroidism – you may have unusually low cholesterol levels.

10. Blood pressure

Hypothyroidism – it is estimated that people with hypothyroidism have two to three times the risk of developing high blood pressure.

Hyperthyroidism – systolic blood pressure rises (the upper number in a blood pressure reading) However, diastolic pressure usually stays the same or goes down a little.

11. Heart rate

Hypothyroidism – You may have slower heart rate. The heart rate is modulated by thyroid hormone, so with lower levels of thyroid hormone the heart rate is typically 10-20 beats per minute slower than normal.

Hyperthyroidism – your heart may be beating too fast or you you have heart flutters or palpitations.

12. Neck enlargement (goiter)

A goiter is any enlargement of the thyroid gland. You may feel swelling or lump or discomfort in the neck or a hoarse voice. Goiter can occur both in hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.

13. Risk factors: Family History, age, gender and smoking

Some people are more likely than others to develop thyroid problems. Both genetic and environmental factors contribute to susceptibility of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
Family history – if you have a family history of thyroid problems, you are at a higher risk of having a thyroid condition yourself.
Gender and age – thyroid diseases are more prevalent in females, especially the elderly population. Women are five to eight times more likely than men to have thyroid problems.
Smoking – one component of tobacco smoke is cyanide, which is converted to thiocyanate, which acts as an anti-thyroid agent. The most dramatic effect of smoking on the thyroid is its association with hyperthyroidism. According to an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1993 smokers are twice as likely as nonsmokers to develop Graves’ disease (a swelling of the neck and protrusion of the eyes resulting from an overactive thyroid gland).
So if you suspect you may have a combination of some of these symptoms, you may want to visit your doctor who can diagnose hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism by testing the levels of thyroid hormones in your blood.

 If you suffer from hypothyroidism, you can read my other post about 
8 natural remedies to treat hypothyroidism.

You can also take my ' Thyroidism Homeopathic Pills ".
Just call or Whatsapp me....0136339672

Thursday, 28 August 2014


Sawi langit...Vernonia cinerea

Ini kisah pengalaman ... 

Ketika ibu diserang denggi, seorang aunty dikatil sebelah selalu minum air hijau, katanya ubatan herba. 
Satu hari, anak lelakinya bawa pokok ini kepada ibu dan bagitahu ibu, kaum cina selalu guna pokok ini sebagai rawatan denggi. Tujuannya untuk menambah platelet pesakit. 
Kami pun cuba. 
Alhamdulillah, sehari selepas mencuba, platelet ibu naik, dan esoknya di discharge dari ward.

Ketika suami diserang denggi, ibu kirimkan sekotak pokok ini yg dikutipnya di tepi2 rumah.Alhamdulillah, denggi suami juga pantas kesembuhannya.
Di kesempatan ini, saya share ilmu yg kami dapati dari aunty dan keluarganya. 
Kita berusaha, Allah juga yg berkuasa untuk memberi kesembuhan.
Cara makan..
Kisar pokok sehingga akar umbi dengan brown sugar. Kemudian tapis, dan minum.
 Suami kata, rasanya macam air tebu. 
Berapa sudu gula? Secukup rasa. 

Tuesday, 26 August 2014


 Leceh nak dapatkan isi delima?? 

...cuba cara mudah ini.

Khasiat nya ?? ..Macam2...makan dulu...


Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Saturday, 26 April 2014


Tanda2 awal Diabetes

Cuba ini..


Rendam 2 atau 3 batang bendi yg dikerat, didalam secawan air, semalaman.
Minum air ini pada pagi esoknya.
Amalkan tiap pagi.

Jangan abaikan ...