Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Monday, 20 February 2012
habbatus sauda'...London
Black cumin oil is a natural healing oil which has an
astounding amount of health giving properties. It can be found in every chemist
and health shop in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Black cumin has received 6 patents for 1.Diabetes.2.Cancer.3.Psoriasis.4.Hepatitis.5.Immune System Support 6.Asthma
This is an incredible product and dates back 3000 years.Its wide range of healing capabilities with astounding versatility make it one of the greatest gifts from natural medicines.Since curing a famous showhorse and a politician of acute asthma 700 research papers have confirmed its benefits.
details were last updated on: 10 April 2011
Black cumin has received 6 patents for 1.Diabetes.2.Cancer.3.Psoriasis.4.Hepatitis.5.Immune System Support 6.Asthma
This is an incredible product and dates back 3000 years.Its wide range of healing capabilities with astounding versatility make it one of the greatest gifts from natural medicines.Since curing a famous showhorse and a politician of acute asthma 700 research papers have confirmed its benefits.
Ailments / disorders / symptoms / conditions treated: | Weak Immune System (chronic reoccurring
illness, AIDS, Diabetes, Over reactive Immune System (allergies, rheumatism, M.S., leukaemia, hayfever and asthma) Hormone System (P.M.S.) Allergic Skin Diseases (inflammations, edemas, nettle rash, acne & eczema) Neurodermitis, proriasis, Digestive Problems, Cough, Colds & Flu, Intestinal Parasites (worms; amoeba), Liver and Gall bladder complaints, Kidney and Bladder problems, Bladder inflammation, Rheumatic and Arthritic pain, Bruises and injuries, Weak concentration, mental exhaustion, lethargy, confusion High Blood Pressure, Colic in babies, Sinusitis, Heart burn, Ulcers, For memorizing, Ear ache, Flatulence, Insomnia, Nausea / Vomiting, Toothaches, Tonsillitis. This is a natural healing herb. The dosage can change from person to person. We recommend to begin with 1 teaspoon a day to maintain health which can be increased to upto 3 teaspoons a day. One must feel comfortable with the dose one takes. Black cumin Actions. Analgesic: Relieves or dampens sensation of pain. Anthelmintic: (Also know as vermicide or vermifuge) destroys and expels intestinal worms. Anti-bacterial: Destroys or inhibits the growth of destructive bacteria. Anti-Inflammatory: Reduces inflammation. Anti-Microbial: Destroys or inhibits the growth of destructive microorganisms. Antioxidant: Prevents or delays the damaging oxidisation of the body's cells - particularly useful against free radicals. Anti-Pyretic: (Also known as ferbrifuge) - exhibits a 'cooling action', useful in fever reduction. Anti-spasmodic: Prevents or eases muscle spasms and cramps. Anti-tumour: Counteracts or prevents the formation of malignant tumours* Carminative: Stimulates digestion and induces the expulsion of gas from the stomach and the intestines. Diaphoretic: Induces perspiration during fever to cool and stimulate the release of toxins. Diuretic: Stimulates urination to relieve bloating and rid the body of any excess water. Digestive: Stimulates bile and aids in the digestive process. Emmenagogue: Stimulates menstrual flow and activity. Galactogogue: Stimulates the action of milk in new mothers. Hypotensive: Reduces excess blood pressure. Immunomodulator: Suppresses or strengthens immune system activity as needed for optimum balance. Laxative: Causes looseness or relaxation of the bowels. |
Qualifications | <><>>The Blessed Seed Company is founded by Daniel Goodwin who is a qualified Masseur,practising shiatsu and cupping.Founded also by Antoine Pouget who is trained in both Western medical herbalism and also Chinese herbalism. |
Our prices | Blackseed oil was recommended by the Holy Prophet
Muhammad (SWS) "Hold on to the use of the blackseed for indeed it has a remedy
for every disease except death." This indicates a consistent use. Alternative Medicine and Resource Complementary Health Directory Black cumin seed oil, London London EC1N 7UE United Kingdom |
Thursday, 16 February 2012
HABBATUS SAUDA' by Ingrid Naiman
Nigella sativa is one the most revered medicinal seeds in history. The best seeds come from Egypt where they grow under almost perfect conditions in oases where they are watered until the seed pods form.
Black cumin seeds were found in the tomb of Tutankhamun. Though black cumin seeds are mentioned in the Bible as well as in the words of the Prophet Mohammed, they were not carefully researched until about forty years ago. Since this time, more than 200 studies have been conducted in universities. ![]()
Sacred Medicine Sanctuary Suquamish, Washington |
HABBATUS SAUDA' Dosage Requirements
Black Seed is an herb that has been
used for over 2000 years for many diseases. It is also known as Nigella Sativa,
black cumin, haba al-baraka and kalonji.
The black seeds kills tumor cells of Pancreatic cancers. The health benefits of black seeds are numerous.
Black seed was originally used to cure migraines and headaches thousands of years ago.
As the word spread of its healing abilities, the black seed became known as the miracle cure.
Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard Allah’s beloved Prophet (PBUH) saying ”There is healing in Black Seed for all diseases except death.”
How to Prepare the Seeds
The seeds have a harsh taste and will burn the stomach if the seeds are not heated first. Place the seeds on low heat and stir them every few minutes. Taste the seeds to see when the flavor becomes very bland. After the tartness is removed, take the pan from the heat. Grind what is needed in a coffee grinder and place in vegetarian capsules.
Cancers and Tumors
Take 1 teaspoon of the oil mixed with one teaspoon of raw honey three times a day. This mixture should be taken one hour before breakfast, mid afternoon and before sleeping at night. Also take 4-5 cloves of garlic daily or 1 teaspoon of dried garlic powder mixed with honey.
Cystic Fibrosis
Massage the chest with the black seed oil. Drink one teaspoon of the oil mixed with honey, three times a day.
Use the black seed oil mixed with raw honey twice a day. A change in diet is a must with little carbohydrates and no sugar.
Mix one teaspoon of the black seed oil with a cup of yogurt and drink twice a day.
Dry Cough
1/2 teaspoon of the oil mixed with coffee twice a day. Rub the oil on your back and chest.
Take one teaspoon of the black seeds that have been heated and smash. Add a few drops of olive oil to the black seeds and mix well. Place 7 drops into a syringe and place in the ear morning and evening until well.
Eye Disease and Impaired Vision
Rub the eyelids and the sides of the eye orbits half an hour before going to bed with black seed oil. A half tablespoon of the black seed oil should also be drunk with a cup of carrot juice.
Facial Paralysis
Place one teaspoon of the oil in a liter of boiling water and inhale the fumes.
Flu and Colds
Take one teaspoon of black seed oil with honey in the morning before eating. Also, place a few drops in each nostril for nasal congestion.
Gallstones and Liver Stones
Place a large spoon of black seeds mixed with honey in a glass, add in some hot water. Finally add in one teaspoon of oil. Drink this mixture daily, first thing in the morning.
General Health and Well Being
Take one spoon of honey and one spoon of black seeds mixed every day or 1/2 spoon of the oil mixed with honey before your breakfast.
Hair Loss and Premature Graying
Wash your hair and then apply liberal amounts of olive oil and black seed oil mixed together. Wait one hour and rinse.
Headaches and Migraines
Take the black seed oil and rub on the temples. Place a few drops in the nostrils and also place some oil on top of the head. Eat some black seeds and honey, two times a day.
Take 1/2 teaspoon of black seed and 1/2 teaspoon of honey three times a day.
Mouth Infection Virus
Place some black seeds in your mouth and leave for 10-15 minutes.
Muscular Dystrophy
Take one spoon of black seeds mixed with honey, three times a day. Eat as many raisins as possible. Eat a soup of morrow (soup bones) every day.
Rheumatic and Back Pain
Heat some of the black seed oil and rub on the area of pain. Eat some black seeds and honey daily.
Stomach Pain
Take one big spoon of black seeds mixed with honey. Drink some peppermint tea, then drink the water of boiled rice if hungry.
Toothache and Gum infections
Place some black seeds in a cup of vinegar and bring to boil. When the vinegar has cooled to a warm touch, rinse the mouth with this mixture.
Heat 2 teaspoons of black seeds with 1/2 cup of vinegar. Heat this mixture and then with a brush, brush the mixture on the stomach and liver area. Do this before you are about to sleep. Do not wipe this mixture off.
Before sleeping eat 7 dates to get rid of ascaris worms.
The miracle of this blessed seed is in the belief of the cure. Thousands use this seed with success daily, but it is necessary to take the seed on a regular basis and then when the person comes down with the disease, it is easily cured.
Rub the oil on the spots of baldness.
Beard Growth
Massage the oil into the beard reaching all the roots.
Bee and Wasp Stings
Boil some ground black seed and water and apply to the stings.
Cardiovascular Problems
Take 1/2 teaspoon of the oil mixed with hot water daily. Drink this first thing in the morning.
Mix black seeds and olive oil and clean the face with this mixture. This will redden the complexion. Rinse the face well after one hour.
Take one teaspoon of the black seeds mixed with one teaspoon of honey before breakfast.
Take some black seed and water and drink.
Hypertension or High Blood Pressure
Take one half teaspoon of the oil each day mixed in some hot water. Eat plenty of garlic and get lots of sunshine.
Immune System:
Take one half tablespoon of the black seed oil three times a day.
Increase the Flow of Milk in Breast Feeding
Mix two tablespoons of ground black seeds and two tablespoons of honey together. Add in 1/2 teaspoon of the black seed oil and eat this daily.
Apply a mixture of black seeds and water and apply to the mole.
Mosquitoes and Bugs
Burn some black seed oil in an incense burner and drive the bugs away.
Nose and Throat Inflammation
Take one half teaspoon of the oil with some lemon juice. Make a vapor with some oil and hot water and inhale the fumes.
Mix one half teaspoon of ginger juice mixed with one half teaspoon of black seed oil.
Be careful not to take a large amount of black seeds as it can be toxic in amounts exceeding 25 grams. Follow the recommended dosage and always use the best quality seeds you can find. The most expensive, does not mean the best seeds. Nor does the cheapest seeds mean they are the worse.
Remember to take black seed everyday for well being and then if a disease strikes, a small amount of black seed will suffice
Traditional Herbal Medicine Kills Pancreatic Cancer Cells, Jefferson Researchers Report, "
Jefferson Universitey Hospital
The black seeds kills tumor cells of Pancreatic cancers. The health benefits of black seeds are numerous.
Black seed was originally used to cure migraines and headaches thousands of years ago.
As the word spread of its healing abilities, the black seed became known as the miracle cure.
Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard Allah’s beloved Prophet (PBUH) saying ”There is healing in Black Seed for all diseases except death.”
How to Prepare the Seeds
The seeds have a harsh taste and will burn the stomach if the seeds are not heated first. Place the seeds on low heat and stir them every few minutes. Taste the seeds to see when the flavor becomes very bland. After the tartness is removed, take the pan from the heat. Grind what is needed in a coffee grinder and place in vegetarian capsules.
Cancers and Tumors
Take 1 teaspoon of the oil mixed with one teaspoon of raw honey three times a day. This mixture should be taken one hour before breakfast, mid afternoon and before sleeping at night. Also take 4-5 cloves of garlic daily or 1 teaspoon of dried garlic powder mixed with honey.
Cystic Fibrosis
Massage the chest with the black seed oil. Drink one teaspoon of the oil mixed with honey, three times a day.
Use the black seed oil mixed with raw honey twice a day. A change in diet is a must with little carbohydrates and no sugar.
Mix one teaspoon of the black seed oil with a cup of yogurt and drink twice a day.
Dry Cough
1/2 teaspoon of the oil mixed with coffee twice a day. Rub the oil on your back and chest.
Take one teaspoon of the black seeds that have been heated and smash. Add a few drops of olive oil to the black seeds and mix well. Place 7 drops into a syringe and place in the ear morning and evening until well.
Eye Disease and Impaired Vision
Rub the eyelids and the sides of the eye orbits half an hour before going to bed with black seed oil. A half tablespoon of the black seed oil should also be drunk with a cup of carrot juice.
Facial Paralysis
Place one teaspoon of the oil in a liter of boiling water and inhale the fumes.
Flu and Colds
Take one teaspoon of black seed oil with honey in the morning before eating. Also, place a few drops in each nostril for nasal congestion.
Gallstones and Liver Stones
Place a large spoon of black seeds mixed with honey in a glass, add in some hot water. Finally add in one teaspoon of oil. Drink this mixture daily, first thing in the morning.
General Health and Well Being
Take one spoon of honey and one spoon of black seeds mixed every day or 1/2 spoon of the oil mixed with honey before your breakfast.
Hair Loss and Premature Graying
Wash your hair and then apply liberal amounts of olive oil and black seed oil mixed together. Wait one hour and rinse.
Headaches and Migraines
Take the black seed oil and rub on the temples. Place a few drops in the nostrils and also place some oil on top of the head. Eat some black seeds and honey, two times a day.
Take 1/2 teaspoon of black seed and 1/2 teaspoon of honey three times a day.
Mouth Infection Virus
Place some black seeds in your mouth and leave for 10-15 minutes.
Muscular Dystrophy
Take one spoon of black seeds mixed with honey, three times a day. Eat as many raisins as possible. Eat a soup of morrow (soup bones) every day.
Rheumatic and Back Pain
Heat some of the black seed oil and rub on the area of pain. Eat some black seeds and honey daily.
Stomach Pain
Take one big spoon of black seeds mixed with honey. Drink some peppermint tea, then drink the water of boiled rice if hungry.
Toothache and Gum infections
Place some black seeds in a cup of vinegar and bring to boil. When the vinegar has cooled to a warm touch, rinse the mouth with this mixture.
Heat 2 teaspoons of black seeds with 1/2 cup of vinegar. Heat this mixture and then with a brush, brush the mixture on the stomach and liver area. Do this before you are about to sleep. Do not wipe this mixture off.
Before sleeping eat 7 dates to get rid of ascaris worms.
The miracle of this blessed seed is in the belief of the cure. Thousands use this seed with success daily, but it is necessary to take the seed on a regular basis and then when the person comes down with the disease, it is easily cured.
Rub the oil on the spots of baldness.
Beard Growth
Massage the oil into the beard reaching all the roots.
Bee and Wasp Stings
Boil some ground black seed and water and apply to the stings.
Cardiovascular Problems
Take 1/2 teaspoon of the oil mixed with hot water daily. Drink this first thing in the morning.
Mix black seeds and olive oil and clean the face with this mixture. This will redden the complexion. Rinse the face well after one hour.
Take one teaspoon of the black seeds mixed with one teaspoon of honey before breakfast.
Take some black seed and water and drink.
Hypertension or High Blood Pressure
Take one half teaspoon of the oil each day mixed in some hot water. Eat plenty of garlic and get lots of sunshine.
Immune System:
Take one half tablespoon of the black seed oil three times a day.
Increase the Flow of Milk in Breast Feeding
Mix two tablespoons of ground black seeds and two tablespoons of honey together. Add in 1/2 teaspoon of the black seed oil and eat this daily.
Apply a mixture of black seeds and water and apply to the mole.
Mosquitoes and Bugs
Burn some black seed oil in an incense burner and drive the bugs away.
Nose and Throat Inflammation
Take one half teaspoon of the oil with some lemon juice. Make a vapor with some oil and hot water and inhale the fumes.
Mix one half teaspoon of ginger juice mixed with one half teaspoon of black seed oil.
Be careful not to take a large amount of black seeds as it can be toxic in amounts exceeding 25 grams. Follow the recommended dosage and always use the best quality seeds you can find. The most expensive, does not mean the best seeds. Nor does the cheapest seeds mean they are the worse.
Remember to take black seed everyday for well being and then if a disease strikes, a small amount of black seed will suffice
Traditional Herbal Medicine Kills Pancreatic Cancer Cells, Jefferson Researchers Report, "
Jefferson Universitey Hospital
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